本中心新增Affymetrix GeneTitan平台,方便您進行人類全基因體單核苷酸變異(SNP)基因型鑑定實驗時有更多的選擇。此兩項服務乃使用美國Affymetrix基因晶片公司新推出的Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array Plate及Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array Plate。
【Axiom Array Plate】特色如下:
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每盤含96個獨立晶片,搭配GeneTitan自動化儀器,單次實驗可完成96個樣本,大幅提升產能,同時降低每個樣本所需費用。 |
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Affymetrix基因晶片公司針對不同人種挑選SNP點,設計該族群特有的晶片。本中心提供適合亞洲人種的Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array及針對漢人設計的Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array兩種plate供客戶選擇。 |
Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array與Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array之差別說明如下:
Axiom Genome-Wide ASI |
Axiom Genome-Wide CHB |
SNPs |
600,307 |
642,832 |
Coverage |
Common and rare alleles
(>2% MAF) |
Common (MAF>5%) |
Genome |
East Asian genomes
(CHB + JPT; the union of Han Chinese and Tokyo Japaneste samples from the HapMap) |
Han Chinese genome |
Populations |
Admixed genomes
(Asian American or Asian European) |
Han Chinese genome |
Content |
Hap Map and dbSNP |
Hap Map, dbSNP, and 1K Genomes Project |
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Axiom Genome-Wide Array無法偵測copy number。 |
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Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array與Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array相同的SNP數為366,420個。 |
本中心對【Axiom Array Plate】測試結果:
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Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array:操作192個樣本,共191個成功。 |
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Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array:操作192個樣本,共191個成功。 |
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兩種Axiom Array之平均判讀率(Average Call Rate)、MAF(minor allele frequency)分析結果、與SNP6.0平台之一致性、與Illumina 550K平台之一致性如下表所示。
Axiom Genome-Wide ASI |
Axiom Genome-Wide CHB |
Avg. call rate |
99.63% |
99.33% |
MAF>5 |
74.13% |
92.75% |
Nonpolymorphic (MAF=0) |
10.11% |
0.33% |
SNP 6.0 Concordance |
99.60% (N=108) (Overlap:181,558 SNPs) |
99.51% (N=138) (Overlap:157,076 SNPs) |
Illumina 550K Concordance |
99.89% (N=87) (Overlap:148,163 SNPs |
99.65% (N=104) (Overlap:142,733 SNPs) |
【Axiom Array Plate】收費標準:
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Axiom Genome-Wide Array Plate以盤為單位計價,每盤為95個樣本加一個Affymetrix公司提供的control樣本。 |
Axiom Genome-Wide ASI |
Axiom Genome-Wide CHB |
學術界 |
400,425元 |
400,425元 |
產業界 |
473,908元 |
473,908元 |
單位: NTD/plate(95 samples) |