1. Sample Management:提供DNA Extraction及DNA Storage共4項新服務,詳細資訊,請洽Main Contact(TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4340)。
Service Type |
Service Code |
Service Item |
Service Unite |
Academic (NT$) |
Industry (NT$) |
備註 |
Main Contact |
Management |
C2-17 |
DNA Extraction from 5 mL Whole Blood |
1管5 mL Blood樣本 (=萃取1管DNA樣本) |
484 |
1,106 |
新增服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4340 |
C2-18 |
DNA Extraction from 10 mL Whole Blood |
1管10 mL Blood樣本 (=萃取1管DNA樣本) |
745 |
1,367 |
C2-19 |
DNA Storage |
per tube for one year |
13 |
36 |
C2-26 |
DNA Extraction from Cultured Cell |
1管Cultured Cell樣本 (=萃取1管DNA樣本) |
569 |
1,191 |
2. Next Generation Sequencing:使用Roche GS-FLX及Illumina HiSeq2000此兩個平台,提供9項服務,詳細資訊,請參考附件「NGS新增服務」。
Service Type |
Service Code |
Service Item |
Service Unite |
Academic (NT$) |
Industry (NT$) |
Technology Platform |
備註 |
Main Contact |
Next Generation Sequencing |
C2-27 |
Human whole genome sequencing, 30X |
per sample |
297,034 |
318,410 |
Illumina HiSeq2000 |
新增服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4338 |
C2-28 |
Human exome sequencing |
per sample |
106,134 |
111,834 |
C2-29 |
DNA sequencing sample preparation |
per sample |
33,122 |
40,247 |
C2-30 |
Paired-end sequencing, 100x2 bp, per lane |
per lane |
97,803 |
110,783 |
C2-31 |
GS-FLX DNA Library |
per sample |
47,491 |
57,704 |
Roche GS-FLX |
新增服務 |
C2-32 |
GS-FLX Titanium - 1 PTP sequencing, 1 M reads |
1 PTP |
339,509 |
379,636 |
C2-33 |
GS-FLX Titanium - 1/2 PTP sequencing, 0.5 M reads |
1/2 PTP |
176,872 |
216,999 |
C2-34 |
GS-FLX Titanium - 1/4 PTP sequencing, 0.2 M reads |
1/4 PTP |
92,057 |
112,120 |
C2-35 |
GS-FLX Titanium - 1/8 PTP sequencing, 0.1 M reads |
1/8 PTP |
48,073 |
58,104 |
3. SNP Genotyping:原Sequenom MassARRAY平台的所有服務項目維持不變;另,Affymetrix GeneChip平台的10K、100K、500K及SNP 5.0停止服務,保留原有SNP 6.0服務;此外,新增Affymetrix GeneTitan平台,兩項新服務為美國Affymetrix基因晶片公司新推出的亞洲人及漢人專屬基因型鑑定晶片盤 - 「Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array Plate」及「Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array Plate」,詳細資訊,請參考附件「Affymetrix新增服務」。
Service Type |
Service Code |
Service Item |
Service Unite |
Academic (NT$) |
Industry (NT$) |
Technology Platform |
備註 |
Main Contact |
SNP Genotyping |
C2-1 |
hME SNP Genotyping |
Sequenom MassARRAY |
保留原有服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4337 |
C2-7 |
ENU Mouse Gene Mapping Panel |
C2-10 |
iPLEX SNP Genotyping |
- |
- |
- |
C2-12 |
Mouse Speed Congenics Panel |
- |
- |
- |
C2-8 |
Affymetrix Human Mapping 100K Set |
per sample |
21,125 |
27,590 |
Affymetrix GeneChip |
停止服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4339 |
C2-9 |
Affymetrix Human Mapping 10K 2.0 Array |
per sample |
6,100 |
9,332 |
C2-11 |
Affymetrix Human Mapping 500K Array Set |
per sample |
15,855 |
21,332 |
C2-13 |
Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP 5.0 |
per sample |
13,735 |
19,212 |
C2-14 |
Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP 6.0 |
per sample |
13,432 |
18,246 |
保留原有服務 |
C2-15 |
Axiom Genome-Wide ASI Array Plate |
per array plate (= 95個DNA樣本) |
400,425 |
473,908 |
Affymetrix GeneTitan |
新增服務 |
C2-16 |
Axiom Genome-Wide CHB Array Plate |
per array plate (= 95個DNA樣本) |
400,425 |
473,908 |
4. Bioinformatics:提供6項bioinformatics新服務,詳細資訊,請參考本中心網頁https://ncgm.sinica.edu.tw/ 或洽Main Contact (TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4323 or 4324)。
Service Type |
Service Code |
Service Item |
Service Unite |
Academic (NT$) |
Industry (NT$) |
備註 |
Main Contact |
Bioinformatics |
C2-20 |
Samportal Consulting |
hour |
422 |
633 |
新增服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4324 |
C2-21 |
iQuestion Consulting |
hour |
422 |
633 |
C2-22 |
Bioinformatics data analysis, software development and consultation |
hour |
422 |
633 |
C2-23 |
Samportal Hosted |
hour |
0 |
30 |
C2-24 |
iQuestion Hosted |
hour |
0 |
30 |
C2-25 |
The usage fees of computing hardware for bioinformatics data analysis, software development |
hour |
0 |
1,929 |
5. STRP Genotyping:Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzer平台的Whole Genome STRP Genotyping、Fine Mapping STRP Genotyping及Mouse Mapping STRP Genotyping停止服務,保留原有PCR Product STRP Genotyping服務。
Service Type |
Service Code |
Service Item |
Service Unite |
Academic (NT$) |
Industry (NT$) |
Technology Platform |
備註 |
Main Contact |
STRP Genotyping |
C2-2 |
Whole Genome STRP DNA Test (20 markers) |
per sample |
240 |
369 |
Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzer |
停止服務 |
TEL: 02-2782-5258 ext. 4338 |
C2-3 |
Whole Genome STRP Genotyping (400 markers) |
per sample |
4800 |
7365 |
C2-5 |
Fine Mapping STRP Genotyping |
- |
- |
- |
C2-6 |
Mouse Mapping STRP Genotyping (314 markers) |
per sample |
6280 |
9185 |
C2-4 |
PCR Product STRP Genotyping |
per 96-well plate |
1,559 |
3,739 |
保留原有服務 |